
< Professor >

Taesik Lee
Research interest
Healthcare analytics, Disaster response system, Modeling & simulation of large-scale systems, Systems engineering, Decision making under uncertainty
< Ph.D. Students >

Kyeonghyeon Park
Research interest
System design framework for multi-agent systems, Multi-agent reinforcement learning, Non-cooperative multi-agent systems, Partially controlled multi-agent systems

Huijae Kim
Research interest
Healthcare service system design, Data analytics, Optimization

Jungwoo Kim
Research interest
Discrete choice modeling, Data mining, Healthcare delivery system, Agent-based simulation

Ji-Su Lee
Research interest
Healthcare delivery and payment system optimization, Distributive justice in healthcare

Joon Im
Research interest
Operations Research, Data Science
< M.S. Students >

Anurag Yadav
Research interest
Operations Research, Data Science

Joongchan Ahn
Research interest
Operations Research, Applied Statistics

Jeongmin Son
Research interest
Optimization, System design & Analytics

Jihwan Bae
Research interest
Decision Science, Data Analytics

Haoyuan Cui
Research interest
Multi-agent reinforcement learning, Optimization

RyangHa Kim
Research interest
Healthcare data science, Data analytics

Minyoung Kim
Research interest
Data Science, Applied Statistics
< Alumni-Ph.D. >
Hyelim Shin
Ph.D., 2024
Thesis Title: Optimal epidemic control incorporating the effect of individual policy compliance decision on the spread of diseaseHyunjin Lee
Ph.D., 2020
Thesis Title: Data-driven approach for demand estimation and optimization of EMS system operationHyun-Rok Lee
Ph.D., 2020
Thesis Title: Algorithm and application of imitation learning and reinforcement learning for sequential decision making problems with multiple agentsKyohong Shin
Ph.D., 2019
Thesis Title: Sequential Decision Making Problems for Operation Management of Emergency Medical Services System in Mass-casualty IncidentsKyosang Hwang
Ph.D., 2019
Thesis Title: Location Problem of Medical Institutions in the Medically Under-served Areas in Korea Considering Demand Patterns Using Choice ModelHochang Nam
Ph.D., 2019
Thesis Title: Analysis of Effect of Information in Application-based Taxi Service SystemHyunil Noh
Ph.D., 2017
Thesis Title: Modeling and Analysis of Enhanced Information and Decision-Making through Introduction of Combat Information SystemInkyung Sung
Ph.D., 2016
Thesis Title: Optimal Allocation of Emergency Medical Resources in Mass Casualty IncidentsYoungwoo Lee
Ph.D., 2016
Thesis Title: Development of Combat Effectiveness Metric Using Network Representation of Combat EnvironmentHoon Jang
Ph.D., 2014
Thesis Title: Location Problems for Designing Trauma Care System in KoreaSoonyong Bae
Ph.D., 2011
Thesis Title: A Research Model for Consumer's Perception of Online Consumer Reviews< Alumni-M.S. >
Yong Hoon Choi
M.S., 2025
Thesis Title: A Study on Combat-Effect-Oriented Resource Allocation Under Limeted Logistical CapabilitiesJeong Yeo
M.S., 2024
Thesis Title: Analyzing the Supply Chain Network Created from the Conventional Relation Extraction Model and ChatGPT: Focusing on S&P 500 CompaniesJunyoung Jung
M.S., 2023
Thesis Title: Estimation of the First Arrival Time on the Epidemic Disease Transmission NetworkYuna Kim
M.S., 2022
Thesis Title: Rethinking the Value of Representation Pairs via Supervised Momentum Contrastive LearningHyewon Park
M.S., 2022
Thesis Title: Effectiveness of network-based social distancing policy considering adherence with quarantine policyYoorim Song
M.S., 2021
Thesis Title: Optimization of Bus Operation System Considering the Passenger Arrival PatternHuijae Kim
M.S., 2021
Thesis Title: Designing and Analizing a Deep-learning-based Multi-input model to Predict the Outcome of R&D ProjectsTooba Binte Asif
M.S., 2021
Thesis Title: Healthcare Resource Allocation Model Incorporating Consumer Choice and Its UncertaintyKyeonghyeon Park
M.S., 2020
Thesis Title: Analyzing Korean Inpatient Care Supply Structure Reform Strategies With a Dynamic Simulation ModelMonica Campana
M.S., 2020
Thesis Title: Case Study on the Ambulance Location in the Dominican RepublicTaehyun Kim
M.S., 2019
Thesis Title: Impact of Price Regulation and Market Intervention in Health Care Market Competition with Semi-Altruistic ProvidersKyuhyeon Shin
M.S., 2018
Thesis Title: Improving the Measurement of the Korean Emergency Medical System's Spatial AccessibilitySoochan Kim
M.S., 2018
Thesis Title: Countermaneuver Support Mission Scheduling Considering the Job Splitting and Cooperation PropertyMohamed T.A. Mohamed
M.S., 2017
Thesis Title: Mathematical Modelling and Optimization of Distributed Capacitated Kidney Paired Donation Programs with Transportability Kidneys After NephrectomyYona Kim
M.S., 2017
Thesis Title: Defining Health Serivce Areas in Korea for Research on Geographic Variations in Health Service UtilizationInseon Baek
M.S., 2016
Thesis Title: Maximal Covering Location Problem Modeling on the Passive Bistatic Radar Systems for Detecting Small Unmanned Aerial VehiclesJukrin Moon
M.S., 2014
Thesis Title: Infrastructure Interdependency Modeling for Cascading Failure AssessmentKyungHyeok Baek
M.S., 2012
Thesis Title: Study on the Optimal Location of Low Altitude Air Defense RadarSeungeun Lee
M.S., 2011
Thesis Title: The Effect of Each Measure of the Network Centralities in the Aspect of Disease InterventionNara Yeon
M.S., 2011
Thesis Title: A Study on Scenario Screening for Stochastic Disease Spreading Models Using SimulationJihyun Yoon
M.S., 2010
Thesis Title: Factors Affecting Consumer's Trust on Internet Health InformationHeoksung Lee
M.S., 2010
Thesis Title: Factors Affecting User Acceptance of the Online Health Information Providing Service