Taesik Lee (Professor)

- E-mail: taesik.lee@kaist.edu
- Tel: 042-350-3126
- Room: IE B/D E2-2 No.2102
- Ph.D., MIT Mechanical Engineering, June 2003
- M.S., MIT Mechanical Engineering, June 1999
- B.S., Seoul National University Mechanical Engineering, February, 1997
Research Interests
- Healthcare analytics
- Disaster response system
- Modeling & simulation of large-scale systems
- Systems engineering
- Decision making under uncertainty
Professional Experience
- Associate Vice President, Office of Academic Affairs, KAIST, February, 2021 - Present
- Professor, Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, KAIST, September, 2019 - Present
- Head of Department, Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, KAIST, September, 2017 - January, 2021
- Associate Professor, Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, KAIST, September, 2012 - August, 2019
- Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, KAIST, September, 2007 - August, 2012
- Assistant Director, Park Center for Complex Systems, MIT, January, 2004 - September, 2007
- Business Consultant, Boston Consulting Group, Seoul Office, June 2004 - August, 2004
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT, June 2003 - December, 2003
- Research staff, Robotics and Hydraulics Division, KIST, January, 1997 - June 1997
Selected publications
- "Choice-driven location-allocation model for healthcare facility location problem" Hwang, K., Asif, TB., Lee, T., Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 2022
- "Skyport location problem for urban air mobility system," Shin, H., Lee, T., Lee, H. R., Computers and Operations Research, 138:105611, Nov 4,2021
- "An Iterative Method for Simultaneously Locating Trauma Centers and Helicopters through the Planning Horizon," Jang, H. and Lee, T., Operations Research for Health Care, 19:185-196, June 4, 2018.
- "Study on Countermaneuver Support Mission Scheduling Considering Cooperation," Kim, S.C. and Lee, T., Journal of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 44(2):114-123, 2018.
- "Markov Decision Process Model for Patient Admission Decision at an Emergency Department Under a Surge Demand," Lee, H.-R and Lee, T., Flexible Services and Manufacturing, doi:10.1007/s10696-017-9276-8, February 08, 2017.
- "Evaluation of Disaster Response System using Agent-Based Model with Geospatial and Medical Details," Bae, J.w., Shin, K., Lee, H.-R., Lee, H.J., Lee, T., Kim, J-H., Cha, W-C., Kim, G.W., and Moon, I-C., IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, doi: 10.1109/TSMC.2017.2671340, March 26, 2017.
- "Scenario-based approach for an ambulance location problem with stochastic call arrivals under a dispatching policy," Sung, I. and Lee, T., Flexible Services and Manufacturing, doi:10.1007/s10696-016-9271-5, December 23, 2016.
- "The effect of geographic units of analysis on measuring geographic variation in medical services utilization," Kim, AM., Park, JH., Kang, S., Hwang, K. and Lee, T. and Kim, Y., Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, 49(4):230-239, 2016.
- "Combining syndromic surveillance and ILI data using particle filter for epidemic state estimation," Lee, T. and Shin, H., Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 28(1):233-253, 2016.
- "Optimal allocation of emergency medical resource under mass casualty incident: patient prioritization by column generation approach," Sung, I. and Lee, T., European Journal of Operations Research, 252(2):623-634, 2016.
- "Group decision procedure to model the dependency structure of complex systems: framework and case study for critical infrastructures," Moon, J.R., Lee, D., Lee, T., and Ahn, J., Systems Engineering, 18(4):323-338, 2015.
- "Demand point aggregation method for covering problems with gradual coverage," Jang, H. and Lee, T., Computers and Operations Research, 60:1-13, 2015.
- "Simultaneous location of trauma centers and helicopters for emergency medical service planning," Cho, S.H., Jang, H., Lee, T. and Turner, J.G., Operations Research, 62(4):751-771, 2014.
- "Network-based metric for measuring combat effectiveness," Lee, Y. and Lee, T., Defence Science Journal, 64(2):115-122, 2014.
- "Axiomatic Design for eco-design: eAD+," Morrison, J.R., Azhar, M., Lee, T. and Suh, H., Journal of Engineering Design, 24(10), 2013.
- "Container loading and unloading scheduling for a Mobile Harbor system: a global and local search method," Shin, K. and Lee, T., Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 25(4):557-575, 2013.
- "A scheduling problem for a novel container transport system: a case of Mobile Harbor operation schedule," Nam, H. and Lee, T., Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 25(4):576{608, 2013.
- "Untangling the antecedents of initial trust in web-based health information: the roles of argument quality, source expertise, and user perceptions of information quality and risk," Yi, M., Yoon, J.J., Lee, T., and Davis, J.M., Decision Support Systems, 55(1):284-295, 2013.
- "Parameterized Activity Cycle Diagram and its application," Choi, B.K., Kang, D., Lee, T., Jamjoom, A.A., and Abulkhair, M.F., ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 23(4):24:1-24:18, 2013.
- "Design of carrier-based offshore CCS system: plant location and fleet assignment," Nam, H., Lee, T., Lee, J., Lee, J., and Chung, H., International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 12:220-230, 2013.
- "Scheduling algorithms for Mobile Harbor: an extended m-parallel machine problem," Sung, I., Nam, H., and Lee, T., International Journal of Industrial Engineering:Theory, Applications and Practice, 20(1-2):213-226, 2013.
Honors & Award
- 2nd Prize, Master's Thesis Competition (Advisee: Mr. Soochan Kim), Korea Institute of Industrial Engineers, November, 2017
- Minister's Recognition of Excellence, Ministry of Public Safety and Security, December, 2016
- Best Paper Award, The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Society, July, 2015 (Hwang, K., Lee, T. and Lee, H.-R., "Epidemic Disease Spreading Simulation Model Based on Census Data," published in Journal of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 40(2):163-171, 2014)
- Pierskalla Award, INFORMS Health Applications Society, November, 2014. (Cho, S.H., Jang, H., Lee, T. and Turner, J.G., "Simultaneous location of trauma centers and helicopters for emergency medical service planning")
- Research Excellence Award, Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, KAIST, December, 2014
- Best Paper Award at 2014 Korea Society for Simulation (KSS) Annual Conference, May 2014 (Lee, H. J., Shin, K. and Lee, T., "Activity cancelling in P-ACD and its application to EMS system modeling")
- Academic Excellence Award, Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, KAIST, December, 2013
- Honorable mention in Best Paper Award at International Military Science and Technology Fair, 2013. (Nam, H., Shin, K. and Lee, T., "Communication and target acquisition modeling for a combat simulation in a network centric warfare environment")
- Best Session Paper Award at KIIE Annual Conference, November, 2012. (Jang, H. and Lee, T., "Data aggregation method for capacitated covering problems with gradual coverage")
- Best Session Paper Award at KIIE Annual Conference, November, 2012. (Lee, Y. and Lee, T., "Metric to measure NCW effects by using Lanchester Model")
- Best Session Paper Award at KIIE Annual Conference, November, 2012. (Jang, H., Kim, Y. and Lee, T., "A framework for building a simulation model to study overcrowding in ED")
- Minister's Recognition of Excellence, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, December, 2011
- Research Excellence Award, Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, KAIST, December, 2011
- Teaching Excellence Award, Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, KAIST, December, 2010
- KAIST Grand Award for Creative Teaching, KAIST, February, 2009
- IE577: System Design and Engineering
- IE573: Healthcare Service Delivery System
- IE425: Project Management
- IE481: Introduction to Venture Capital Investment
- IE453: Conceptual Design for Engineering Products
- IE251: Manufacturing Process Innovation
- ED100: Introduction to Design and Communication